Mission Vision Aim & Objective


Roorkee Adventist College [RAC] is committed to developing a strong moral character in each of its students and providing quality education to equip them to face life in a competitive society, there by preparing them for Eternity.


Roorkee Adventist College visualise developing into an institution of Post -graduate studies and Research in all the applicable fields.



To emphasize the role of personal ethics and spiritual values in the lives of students. To instill a sense of moral responsibility towards oneself and society as a whole.

Intellectual :

To develop in students an analytical mind and the ability for independent and creative thinking.

To cultivate their understanding of the basic facts and principles of the major subject


To develop an attitude of open-minded consideration to controversial questions.

To promote in students an awareness of social etiquette and finesse.
To develop habits of disciplined living and a pleasant physical appearance.
To encourage participation in social activities which contribute to the development of acceptable
social skills and a balanced personality.
To establish a consistent observance of a healthful life-style which foster maximum physical vitality and health. To promote abstinence from harmful substances and practices hazardous to ones health. To emphasise intelligent use of leisure time.
Patriotic/ Civic:
To instils in students a sincere love and commitment for their country.
To nurture students into becoming well-educated citizens who are capable, productive and contribute to the progress of their community and country.