In view of the directions of the Honorable Supreme Courting SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009,dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit ,prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether bywords spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student ,or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing-off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student shall be termed as ragging.
Depending upon the nature of and gravity of the offences established by the Anti Ragging Committee of the institution, the possible punishment for those found guilty can be any one or combination of the following.
1. Suspension from attending class.
2. Cancellation of admission.
3. Debarring from representing the college in any regional/state/national meet etc.
4. Rustication from the college for a period of 1- 4 semesters.
5. Fine up to Rs.25000/-.
6. Collective Punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential raggers.
In pursuance of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and the subsequent orders of the Government and the UGC a permanent Cell for the Prevention of Sexual harassment Against Women has been constituted in the college. The Cell headed by the first lady of the campus and others women members takes cognizance of any reported violation of the dignity of women on the campus. From time to time the cell arranges lectures on topics relevant to women empowerment. It also supervise the facilities provided by the college to female students.
It is mandatory for a student admitted to a course/ programme of the University to put in75 % attendance inall classes including lectures, tutorials and practical in respect of each paper/ subject separately. Students failing to meet the aforesaid attendance criteria shall not be permitted to appear the semester examination for the course being pursued during the academic session concerned.
The Academic Dean may grant a student a relaxation of 6% and the President of the college may grant the scholar further 9%relaxation in the minimum attendance criteria only under the following circumstances:
- If student has suffered a serious illness, subject to submission of medical certificate and records.
- Any other grievous circumstances suffered by a student which in the opinion concerned of the Academic Dean/President may seem sufficient ground for granting the relaxation subject to evidence produced.